Shaking the dark matter paradigm
A theory about gravity challenges our understanding of the universe.
21 - 30 of 30 results
A theory about gravity challenges our understanding of the universe.
After the musician learned that grad students at CERN had created a parody of his 2004 single “Collide,” he flew to Switzerland to sing it at the LHC.
Particle physics is a dance between theory and experiment.
Neutron stars have earned their share of superlatives since their discovery in 1967.
The center of our galaxy is a busy place. But it might be one of the best sites to hunt for dark matter.
The Proton Improvement Plan II, or PIP-II, is a proposed project to improve Fermilab’s particle accelerator complex with a major hardware overhaul and a powerful boost in its capabilities.
Not only are we made of fundamental particles, we also produce them and are constantly bombarded by them throughout the day.
This year, the NSF is awarding grants to fund research on the development of bright beams at the University of Chicago and Northern Illinois University at a level of $680,000 and $560,000, respectively, for a three-year period.
Scientists from Fermilab and more than 45 institutions around the world have teamed up to design a program to catch this hypothetical neutrino in the act. The program, called the Short-Baseline Neutrino program, makes use of a trio of detectors positioned along one of Fermilab’s neutrino beams.