Gravitational lenses
Predicted by Einstein and discovered in 1979, gravitational lensing helps astrophysicists understand the evolving shape of the universe.
1451 - 1460 of 2082 results
Predicted by Einstein and discovered in 1979, gravitational lensing helps astrophysicists understand the evolving shape of the universe.
Physicist Kira Burt dropped out of school at 16. Now she teaches students that anyone can be a scientist.
From the Department of Energy, Nov. 8, 2018: Working with interagency partners, DOE is striving to advance the quantum frontier.
From Nature, Nov. 5, 2018: This obituary of Leon Lederman was written by Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer.
From BBC’s Last Word, Oct. 21, 2018: This remembrance of Leon Lederman includes comments from Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer. Lederman segment starts at 15:25
From Daily Herald, Nov. 4, 2018: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers and Chicago-area scientists are working to create a communications network that can withstand hacking.
Quantum entanglement, doubted by Einstein, has passed increasingly stringent tests.
From Spektrum, Nov. 2, 2018: Maschinelles Lernen hat bereits bei der Entdeckung des Higgs einen wesentlichen Beitrag geleistet. Teilchenphysiker setzen Verfahren aus diesem Bereich schon seit Jahrzehnten ein. Doch nun erwarten Experten durch lernende Software eine Revolution bei der Datenanalyse.
From Chicago Maroon, Nov. 1, 2018: UChicago and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will collaborate with Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab in an effort to establish Chicago as a national epicenter of quantum technology research, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced at the Polsky Center this Tuesday.
From The Momentum, Nov. 5, 2018: Lengthy article on DUNE from Thai media.