A whale of a tale
Scientists looking for tiny particles off the coast of Italy stumble upon a much bigger research subject.
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Scientists looking for tiny particles off the coast of Italy stumble upon a much bigger research subject.
From University of Wisconsin–Madison, Sept. 5, 2018: The University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Physical Sciences Laboratory has been awarded by NSF a $1.6 million grant, with three other universities, to expand a technology for constructing specialized panels for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
From Live Science, Sept. 10, 2018: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln recounts the early days of the LHC and looks to the future of the world’s largest atom smasher.
This instrument developed for DUNE can take 48 temperatures simultaneously and with expert precision.
From The Conversation, Sept. 7, 2018: On the occasion of 10 years of Large Hadron Collider operations, Fermilab visiting scientist and Florida State University professor Todd Adams gives an overview of science at the LHC.
From Kane County Connects, Sept. 4, 2018: The ICARUS neutrino detector moves into its Fermilab home.
From New Scientist, Aug. 29, 2018: Fermilab scientist and NIU professor Swapan Chattopadhyay is quoted in this article on the AWAKE experiment at CERN.
From Kane County Chronicle, Aug. 30, 2018: Fermilab scientists have played a role in the recent discovery of the Higgs boson transforming into bottom quarks as it decays. The breakthrough was described in a joint announcement from the Large Hadron Collider experiment collaborations ATLAS and CMS at CERN.
From CNET, Aug. 30, 2018: This explainer on the latest Higgs boson result from ATLAS and CMS quotes Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln.