Imagining the future of gravitational-wave research
To understand why scientists are excited about detecting a new background, just look to the history of studies of the CMB.
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To understand why scientists are excited about detecting a new background, just look to the history of studies of the CMB.
From U Chicago News, August 8, 2023
From U Chicago News, August 8, 2023: University of Chicago has announced that the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay has joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange to promote cooperation in fields such as quantum information science, climate and energy, advanced microelectronics, artificial intelligence and data science. The announcement was made at at the G20 summit in New Delhi, India and joins the CQE as one of only five international partners.
From RTS (Swiss Broadcasting Corporation), Sept. 7, 2023: Fermilab’s August 10 announcement indicated the muon does not behave as theory predicts. Professor Tobias Golling, from the particle physics department at the University of Geneva, explains in a video that there are two possibilities to explain the observed discrepancy.
UK musician Consensus spins the big ideas of physics into rap and hip-hop tracks.
From Berkeley Lab, August 30, 2023
Berkeley Lab completed winding more than 2000 kilometers of superconducting wire into cables for new magnets that will help upgrade the Large Hadron Collider. These cables will be used to make the strongest focusing magnets installed in any accelerator by condensing particle beams right before they collide in detectors.
From the Times of India, Aug. 29, 2023
India is recognizing three young Fermilab scientists from Kolkata who are among the 200 scientists from the Muon g-2 collaboration searching for new physics by studying muons.
From the Chicago Quantum Exchange, August 23, 2023
Learn why startup founders, researchers, and students are calling the Midwest region ‘the premier hub for quantum’ and how their investments are strengthening the ecosystem.
Unseen neutrinos, visible lives: A photographer journeys through the Midwest.
From Pisa Today, August 29, 2023
Fermilab’s Silvia Zorzetti has been awarded the prestigious Early Career Award from the U.S. DOE for her pioneering research in developing technology that will lay the foundations of the quantum internet. The project’s goal is to improve quantum sensors and sensor networks, so as to allow a more efficient conversion of information and quantum signals between different physical platforms
From the Department of Energy Office of Science, Aug. 29, 2023
DOE announced $24 million in funding for three collaborative projects in quantum network research to realize distributed quantum computers. A project included in this funding is collaborative research led by Fermilab in partnership with the California Institute of Technology, the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, the Northwestern University, and Argonne National Laboratory, to develop hyper-entanglement-based networking and error noise-robust correction techniques for developing advanced quantum networks for science discovery.