Fermilab Experiment Prepares to Send Its First Neutrinos to Minnesota
Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory will begin a projected five-year experiment in early February, 2005 by sending the first batches of subatomic particles called neutrinos on a path through the earth from the laboratory, about 40 miles west of Chicago, to a detector located in the historic Soudan iron mine a half-mile underground in the northeastern corner of Minnesota, about 450 miles away.
Fermilab allows additional public access to the site
Officials at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced that the laboratory is allowing additional public access to the site as of Monday, January 24.
Fermilab and Berkeley Lab Collaborate with Meyer Tool on Key Component for European Particle Accelerator
Officials of the of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) announced yesterday (Wednesday) the completion of a key component of the U.S. contribution to the Large Hadron Collider, a particle accelerator under construction at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland.
Pier Oddone of Berkeley Lab Named Fermilab Director
Officials of Universities Research Association, the consortium of universities that operates the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, today (November 19) announced the appointment of Piermaria Oddone as Fermilab’s fifth director.
Rocky Kolb to Direct New Fermilab Particle Astrophysics Center
Michael S. Witherell, Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Acceleratory Laboratory, today (Nov. 1) announced the establishment of the Fermilab Particle Astrophysics Center, and named the renowned Fermilab and University of Chicago cosmologist Edward “Rocky” Kolb as its director.
Fermilab Director Witherell One of Eight Directors to Receive Energy Secretary’s Gold Award
Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham today (October 25) presented the Secretary’s Gold Award to eight current and former directors of Department of Energy national laboratories, including Fermilab Director Michael Witherell. The award is the Energy Department’s highest honorary award and includes a plaque with citation, a medallion and a rosette.
Fermilab Scientists Present New Physics Results at ICHEP Beijing
Scientists from the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory are presenting new results from experiments performed at the world’s highest-energy particle accelerator during the 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics in Beijing, China, August 16-22.
Fermilab Supports Energy Department Science Education Initiative
Following the launch today by Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham of a major new Department of Energy initiative for science education, officials of DOE’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory expressed support for the new program.
Fermilab Inaugurates StarLight Connection
Officials at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory today (Thursday) announced a potential five-hundredfold increase in the laboratory’s computer network connections to U.S. and international science communities.
Surprise: Fermilab’s SELEX experiment finds puzzling new particle
Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory will announce on Friday, June 18 the observation of an unexpected new member of a family of subatomic particles called “heavy-light” mesons.