
From SLAC, Jan. 31, 2017: A full kilometer of SLAC’s historic linac has been stripped of all its equipment. Over the next two years it will be re-equipped with new technology to power an X-ray laser, LCLS-II. Fermilab and Jefferson Lab are building the cryomodules for its superconducting portion.

Fermilab’s Family Open House is a chance for the whole family to spend an afternoon learning about science in a hands-on way and have fun doing it. This year’s event will mark Fermilab’s 50th anniversary with a new show and several activities for kids and their parents to enjoy.

From the INSPIRE blog, Jan. 23, 2017: INSPIRE’s list of the 40 most highly cited papers during 2016 is out, and five are Fermilab papers. The number goes up if you include CMS papers. Have a look in this blog post by Fermilab’s Heath O’Connell and SLAC’s Michael Peskin.