
Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln explains how particle physics research attempts to answer questions of the universe. For those with a more practical bent, he explains how this research is an excellent investment, with a high rate of return for society.

CERN Courier, Nov. 13, 2015: The strong partnership between the US Department of Energy and CERN already established in the LHC program is one of the essential components for the success of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and the proposed Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility at Fermilab.

On the same weekend that saw the fourth Hunger Games movie open nationwide, hundreds of people trekked to Fermilab to watch the fourth iteration of our own ruthless competition. Five scientists took the stage on Friday night, and only one left — with a prize, that is.

Hyde Park Herald, Nov. 18, 2015: Mayor Rahm Emanuel and University of Chicago President Robert Zimmer kicked off an event titled “The University of Chicago and Affiliated Laboratories: Powerful Partners in Transformative Science” on Friday, Nov. 13, by pointing to the continued prominence of the university as a national leader is scientific developments.