From CIO Review, Sept. 7, 2016: Fermilab Chief Information Officer Rob Roser gives a summary of computing at Fermilab for CIO Review magazine.
From Nature, June 22, 2016: Fermilab theorist Andreas Kronfeld comments in this article on scaled-up quantum computers, which use a technique would help address problems that classical computers can’t handle.
From Science Node, Feb. 17, 2016: Einstein predicted gravitational waves over 100 years ago. Resources provided by the Open Science Grid, of which Fermilab is an active member, are helping LIGO prove he was right.
Scientists across the Unit15-CS-1035 ESnet EuropeUS Map_v2_wkeyed States will soon have access to new, ultra-high-speed network links spanning the Atlantic Ocean thanks to a project currently under way to extend ESnet (the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Sciences Network) to Amsterdam, Geneva and London.
Every day researchers add another sea of data to an ocean of knowledge on the world around us — billions on top of billions of measurements, images and observations of the tiniest subatomic particles up to the movement of planets and stars.
The world’s largest computing grid has passed its most comprehensive tests to date in anticipation of the restart of the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider.