detector technology

11 - 20 of 84 results

First results from BREAD experiment demonstrate a new approach to searching for dark matter

    A collaboration scientists working on the Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection recently released their first results in the search for dark matter. Although they did not find dark matter, they narrowed the constraints for where it might be and demonstrated a unique approach that may speed up the search for the mysterious substance, at relatively little space and cost.

    Physics faculty and students mining for neutrino answers

      Physicists from Syracuse University are part of the more than 1,400 scientists that make up the DUNE collaboration. The Syracuse team were involved in the development and testing of the first detector’s components, helping finalize the design and testing plans of the anode plane assemblies. The team also researched and developed light sensors for the first detector’s module and investigated how adding small amounts of the element xenon could improve their performance.

      Cosmic rays observed in successful test of Fermilab’s prototype x-ray detector

        Fermilab scientist Juan Estrada recently took his novel Skipper detector technology to students in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at U of I run a thermal vacuum test for the DarkNESS mission. The test successfully demonstrated the crucial thermal control capabilities required for the detector operation.

        First components for DUNE experiment in Lead

          The first components for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment have arrived in Lead, SD. Starting this spring the LBNF/DUNE project team and officials at the Sanford Underground Research Facility will begin tests to ensure cryostats for the experiment can be safely lowered down the Ross Shaft.

          Catching ghost particles

            Although neutrinos are the most common matter particle in the universe they are also known as ghost particles because they move through our bodies every second without ever interacting with us. Neutrinos won’t be scaring anyone on Halloween but they will be studied by scientists in the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment led by Fermilab.