What is negative energy? And can it give us wormholes and warp drives?
From Big Think, Jan.3, 2023: Does negative energy really exist? Don Lincoln explores what it is, what it isn’t and what the state of having less energy than empty space means.
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From Big Think, Jan.3, 2023: Does negative energy really exist? Don Lincoln explores what it is, what it isn’t and what the state of having less energy than empty space means.
From CNN Opinion, Dec. 14, 2022: Don Lincoln examines the result from the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory that fusing elements released more energy than the lasers supplied. While this is a monumental step for science and a spectacular technical achievement, the process has to be repeated again and again and engineers need to construct a containment structure that can survive the bath of neutrons that a functional fusion generator will create.
From the Big Think, Nov. 30, 2022: Don Lincoln discusses that while the Universe we see is made solely of matter, there is no explanation for this fundamental asymmetry.
Understanding why the Universe was created with more matter than antimatter is key to understanding why anything exists.
From the Big Think, Nov. 17, 2022: Don Lincoln tackles the real answer to the question, “Why can’t we travel faster than the speed of light”? drawing from Einstein’s theory and spacetime.
From the Big Think, November 14, 2022: Gaia BH1 is the closest black hole to Earth that scientists have ever discovered at just 1,600 light years away. Fermilab’s Don Lincoln examines that by looking at the behavior of a star near the black hole, how astronomers might be able to determine the black hole was there, despite never seeing it directly.
From Big Think, Nov. 2, 2022: Don Lincoln explores Hubble tension, two very precise yet conflicting estimates of the rate at which the Universe is expanding. While the of Universe expansion is consistent, the two ways in which this is measured begs the question if something is missing in cosmology theory.
From Big Think, September 28, 2022: 13.8 billion years ago when the Big Bang exploded expanding and resulting in the universe we see today. Don Lincoln examines the expansion of the universe and how it is still evolving today.
From CNN, September 26, 2022: Don Lincoln discusses how NASA and researchers slammed a 570 kilogram spacecraft called Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) into the Dimorphos asteroid to test if the impact will change the asteroid’s trajectory and help scientists understand if potentially dangerous space rocks can be diverted before they endanger the Earth.
From the Big Think, September 20, 2022: Don Lincoln ponders the size of the Universe. That is the hypothetical Universe versus the actual Universe. Read more about what we don’t know and what we do know about the Universe that began almost 14 billion years ago.
From Coast to Coast with George Noory, August 17, 2022: Fermilab’s senior scientist Don Lincoln talks about his time working on the Tevatron at Fermilab and the LHC at CERN. Listen to find out more about the restart of the LHC and the big mysteries in astronomy regarding dark matter and how galaxies defy physics.