221 - 230 of 417 results

Portal to progress: Science project revives old Homestake tramway tunnel

    From Rapid City Journal, Oct. 9, 2019: For the past 17 years, shovels, safety goggles, tramway cars and other remains of the defunct Homestake gold mine lingered in a closed-off tunnel under the city of Lead, South Dakota. Now the tunnel is alive with activity again, thanks to preparations for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility and the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.

    Une nouvelle technologie innovante pour détecter les neutrinos testée à grande échelle au CERN

      From CNRS, Oct. 10, 2019: Les scientifiques de la collaboration ProtoDUNE au CERN ont commencé à tester un tout nouveau prototype de détecteur de neutrinos, en utilisant une technologie très prometteuse, appelée “double phase.” Si les premiers résultats obtenus se confirment, cette nouvelle technologie sera utilisée à une plus grande échelle pour l’expérience internationale DUNE aux États-Unis. Les scientifiques français du CNRS et du CEA jouent un rôle de premier plan dans le développement et la mise en route de ce détecteur innovant.

      In the air and underground, Brits honored in Rapid City

        From Rapid City Journal, Oct. 10, 2019: Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer comments on British contributions to the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment during an Oct. 8 event in which British air power and science were feted Tuesday in Rapid City, South Dakota. Honored guests included the Royal Air Force’s Red Arrows Aerobatic Team, a British diplomat and a group of U.S. and international scientists associated with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.

        Tests start at CERN for large-scale prototype of new technology to detect neutrinos

        Scientists working at CERN have started tests of a new neutrino detector prototype using a promising technology called “dual phase.” If successful, this new technology will be used at a much larger scale for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab. Scientists began operating the dual-phase prototype detector at CERN at the end of August and have observed first tracks. The new technology may be game-changing, as it would significantly amplify the faint signals that particles create when moving through the detector.

        Underground personnel capacity doubles at Sanford Lab

        With an increasing underground workforce, the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility has undertaken multiple projects to ensure worker safety. Working closely with Sanford Lab staff, LBNF recently completed an upgrade to emergency systems, including areas of refuge and evacuation capabilities.

        Fermilab and University of Bern join forces for neutrino physics

        Fermilab and the University of Bern in Switzerland have signed an agreement to develop detector components for the laboratory’s neutrino experiments. The agreement is the first of its kind between Fermilab and a Swiss university.

        LBNF completes upgrade to far site’s underground ventilation system

          From Sanford Underground Research Facility, Sept. 27, 2019: Several projects are under way at Sanford Underground Research Facility to improve the reliability of the facility’s infrastructure. Crews are improving the facility for its role as the far site for Fermilab’s Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility. The LBNF project recently completed an upgrade of the main ventilation fan for the underground facility.

          Les neutrinos peuvent-ils résoudre le mystère de l’antimatière?

            From pieuvre.ca, Sept. 24, 2019: Une équipe de chercheurs dirigés par Christopher Mauger, dans une étude récemment publiée, avance certaines options pouvant faire en partie la lumière sur cet étrange phénomène et répondre à d’autres questions dans le domaine de la physique fondamentale. Dans le cadre du programme CAPTAIN représentent une première étape importante pour la mise sur pied du DUNE, une installation expérimentale pour l’étude des neutrinos et de la physique des particules.

            Can neutrinos help explain what’s the matter with antimatter?

              From Penn Today, Sept. 23, 2019: A team of researchers the University of Pennsylvania published results from the first set of experiments that can help answer these and other questions in fundamental physics. Their results are an important first step towards building the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.