emerging technologies

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Fermilab seeks to broaden industry adoption of electron accelerators  

High-power electron beam accelerators could be the answer to the nation’s need for powerful and safe alternatives to radioactive power sources. Funding from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Radiological Security aims to support a team of engineers, scientists and business specialists in forging a path to help industry adopt these mighty accelerators.

Truck with a long platform transporting a large curved apparatus drives in front of a tall building; international flags are visible on the left

Ten ways Fermilab advanced science and technology in 2024

In 2024, Fermilab made significant scientific progress, including advancing preparations for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and conducting groundbreaking quantum research. The laboratory also continued its strong international collaborations — including involvement with the CMS experiment at CERN — and made strides in developing emerging technologies with wide applications beyond physics.

Fermilab teams up with small business RadiaBeam to help commercialize advanced accelerators

A grant from the U.S. federal government has enabled a collaborative project between Fermilab and California-based RadiaBeam Technologies to design and build a conduction-cooled cryomodule. This cryomodule will make it possible for small businesses to take advantage of compact superconducting radiofrequency accelerators for their industrial needs.