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Expanding a neutrino hunt in the South Pole

    Underneath the vast, frozen landscape of the South Pole lies IceCube, a gigantic observatory dedicated to finding ghostly subatomic particles called neutrinos. Neutrinos stream through Earth from all directions, but they are lightweight, abundant and hardly interact with their surroundings. A forthcoming upgrade to the IceCube detector will provide deeper insights into the elusive particles.

    In a cosmic first, scientists detect ‘ghost particles’ from a distant galaxy

      From The Washington Post, July 12, 2018: At the IceCube experiment at Earth’s South Pole, 5,160 sensors buried more than a mile beneath the ice detected a single ghostly neutrino as it interacted with an atom. Scientists then traced the particle back to the galaxy that created it.
      The cosmic achievement is the first time scientists have detected a high-energy neutrino and been able to pinpoint where it came from.