
Jim Kerby

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced Jim Kerby as project director for Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (LBNF/DUNE-US) He will be responsible for managing all aspects of the project in the U.S. as Fermilab leads the execution of the largest international DOE project ever hosted on U.S. soil.

Greg Stephens officially began his role as chief operating officer at Fermilab bringing more than 35 years of experience in commercial, academic, international and U.S. government operations to Fermilab.

From the University of Chicago, Office of Science, Innovation, National Laboratories and Global Initiatives: The Leadership Academy for Women in Science and Engineering task force brought together a cohort of high-potential women from Argonne, Fermilab and the University of Chicago for a new leadership development series to encourage and develop talented scientific leaders of the future. Panelists included Fermilab’s Bonnie Fleming and Lia Merminga. Merminga hopes to help encourage more females to join the filed of physics through support of LAWISE and other programs.

From Physics World, July 19, 2022: Fermilab’s new director, Lia Merminga is interviewed in the July issue of Physics World. Read more on what inspired her and the journey of her science career that led to her becoming the first female lab director at Fermilab.