From NASA: Meet particle physicist, former Fermilab user and U.S. Navy combat pilot Josh Cassada. As pilot of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 mission, Cassada is making his first trip as an astronaut to the International Space Station. Learn more about his love of science and his journey to becoming an astronaut.

From Laboratory Equipment, May 31, 2021: Fermilab engineer Bill Pellico wondered if it would be possible to make the interior cameras movable using liquid argon detectors to inspect the inside of detectors.

From VICE, Dec. 17, 2020: Fermilab and partners have successfully teleported qubits across 22 kilometers of fiber in two testbeds. The breakthrough is a step towards a practical, high-fidelity quantum internet. Fermilab scientist and Quantum Science Program Head Panagiotis Spentzouris is quoted in this article.

A series of joint NASA and ESA spacewalks four years in the making aims to extend the life of the AMS particle detector. On Nov. 15, astronauts took on a series of tasks ranging in difficulty from zip-tie-cutting to safely launching a piece of equipment into space, all while orbiting the planet at around 5 miles per second. The goal was to fix a component of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, an international particle physics experiment, and to extend its study of cosmic rays, dark matter and antimatter for another decade.