
281 - 290 of 540 results

Why Fermilab is making a neutrino detector 800 miles long

    From Discover, March 12, 2019: Fermilab, along with the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, is starting a new project called the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, or DUNE. The goal is to track and study shadowy neutrinos like never before. Fermilab scientists Deborah Harris and Angela Fava discuss the experiment.

    MINOS squeezes sterile neutrino’s hiding ground

      From CERN Courier, March 8, 2019: Newly published results from the MINOS+ experiment at Fermilab cast fresh doubts on the existence of the sterile neutrino — a hypothetical fourth neutrino flavor that would constitute physics beyond the Standard Model. MINOS+ studies how muon neutrinos oscillate into other neutrino flavors as a function of distance travelled.

      What are neutrinos?

        From Live Science, Feb. 21, 2019: This primer on neutrinos calls out the search for sterile neutrinos and a recent result from the MiniBooNE neutrino experiment.

        At AAAS: Near-massless, neutrinos might open up some mighty weighty mysteries

          From William & Mary, Feb. 15, 2019: Scientist Patricia Vahle, a William & Mary professor and NOvA co-spokesperson, Patricia Vahle, Mansfield Professor of Physics at William & Mary, gives a talk on “The Quest to Understand Neutrino Masses” at the annual meeting of the American Association of the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C. Neutrinos are one of the most abundant particles in the universe. And because of their interesting properties, physicists look to a fuller understanding of neutrinos to help unravel the universe’s mysteries.

          CSI: Neutrinos cast no shadows

          The MINERvA neutrino experiment has a new crime scene investigation technique, one that takes a hard look at the traces that particles leave before fleeing the scene. Researchers used a new technique in a recent MINERvA neutrino investigation. And the new insights they gained on the workings of nuclear effects can help other neutrino experiments.

          ArgoNeuT hits a home run with measurements of neutrinos in liquid argon

          Scientists on the ArgoNeuT experiment have developed a method that enables them to better distinguish the tracks that particles leave behind in liquid argon, as well as a way to better differentiate between signals and background. And thanks to the software’s great performance, ArgoNeuT will aid larger neutrino experiments in their quest to understand the nature of the subtle neutrino.