
With the most recent P5 report, particle physicists have come together to chart a course for the next decade which includes focus on the international DUNE experiment taking place at Fermilab and in Lead, South Dakota.

Plotting the future course of US particle physics

The P5 panel’s recent recommendation of “our muon shot”, states that a muon accelerator program would fit with the U.S.’s ambition to host a major international collider facility. With the development, it would probe an understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and offer substantial benefits when it comes to training the next generation of scientists.

U.S. unveils 10-year strategy for particle physics

The P5 panel’s recent report identified several critical areas in cosmic evolution, neutrinos and dark matter where next-generation facilities could make a dramatic impact, including Fermilab.

The recent report published by the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel highlights the important role that Sanford Underground Research Facility plays in the advancement of U.S. particles physics and its support of the DUNE project. The P5 report recommends continued support for DUNE and funding for expansion of research space at SURF that will enable the U.S. to be an international host for neutrino and dark matter experiments.

CBS News Chicago spoke with a current P5 member who is a professor at the University of Chicago about the 2023 report for federal funding agencies on what should be constructed to advance particle physics research over the next 10 years. Recommendations include a powerful new particle accelerator at Fermilab, a telescope to observe the oldest light in the universe, and research to learn more about mysteries such as dark matter.

The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel presented their report for the next decade with recommendations for the two main U.S. agencies that fund high-energy physics research. The report has five key recommendations and suggests the U.S. should explore programming to demonstrate the feasibility of two new kinds of particle accelerators.

Particle Physics Panel assesses US influence on global stage

A new report from the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel has come out stressing the importance of international collaboration in particle physics research. The report is part of a series of “international benchmarking” studies commissioned by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science with the HEPAP subcommittee chaired by Fermilab scientists Patricia McBride and Bonnie Fleming.