International Committee for Future Accelerators weighs in on International Linear Collider
After its most recent meeting, the committee released a statement on the future collider and its importance to the future of particle physics.
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After its most recent meeting, the committee released a statement on the future collider and its importance to the future of particle physics.
The money will further a novel conceptual technique for Chicago water treatment with high-power electron beams.
From National Science Foundation tumblr, Nov. 7, 2017: NSF Director France Cordova gives highlights of her Oct. 31 visit to Fermilab.
SLAC engineer Knut Skarpaas designs some of physics’ most challenging machines, finding inspiration in unexpected places.
Around the world, scientists and nonscientists alike celebrated the first international Dark Matter Day.
Early in the history of the Main Ring accelerator, determined Fermilab crews walked the accelerator from what seemed to be the brink of failure.
From ASCR Discovery, October 2017: The cosmological search in the dark is no walk in the park. With help from Berkeley Lab, Fermilab aims open-source software at data from high-energy physics. Fermilab’s Oliver Gutsche, Jim Kowalkowski and Saba Sehrish talk about Spark
Neutrinos made several November debuts at Fermilab.