Fermilab feature

Get to Know Fermilab public tours take place on Mondays at 1 p.m.

Fermilab offers a free public tour every week. Starting May 6, the day and time of that 90-minute Get to Know Fermilab tour will change to Mondays at 1 p.m. The tour will remain free, and no reservation is required.

A Fermilab docent leads a tour of the lab, making a stop at the Remote Operations Center. Photo: Elliott McCrory

A Fermilab docent leads a tour of the lab, making a stop at the Remote Operations Center. Photo: Elliott McCrory

Fermilab offers a free public tour every week.

Starting May 6, the day and time of that 90-minute Get to Know Fermilab tour will change to Mondays at 1 p.m. The tour will remain free, and no reservation is required.

Get an overview of the lab’s research, and find out how it’s driving discovery as America’s premier particle physics laboratory.

Learn more about tours at Fermilab.