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Professor Stanley Wojcicki has died at age 86

    From Stanford University, June 7, 2023: Stanford University has announced experimental particle physicist, Stan Wojcicki, who played an essential role in modern neutrino oscillation experiments using high energy beams, has passed away. Wojcicki was spokesperson for the MINOS neutrino experiment at Fermilab and was well-known as he played a major role at Fermilab.

    The muon g-2 experiment: insights into the unknown

      From the Innovation News Network, May 31, 2023: Editor Georgie Purcell interviews Sean Foster, Research Scientist at Boston University, and Elia Bottalico, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Liverpool, who are both heavily involved on the Muon g-2 experiment. The g-2 collaboration scientists are in the final stages of data analysis for Runs 2 and 3 and are preparing to announce the results later this year.