891 - 900 of 2112 results

The farmer physicist

    If you want to visit the Pasner family farm, you’ll need a truck with four-wheel drive. You’ll need to traverse 4 miles of bumpy dirt road deep into the countryside of Penn Valley, California. But once you arrive, you’ll be greeted by fields of organic onions and garlic, nestled between rolling grassy hills speckled with oak trees. For physicist Jake Pasner, this will always be home.

    How Sheldon stepped up for Amy on ‘The Big Bang Theory’

      From Cinema Blend, Jan. 17, 2019: As the episode opens, Amy and Sheldon are filming Fun with Flags, and when Amy goes to check comments on her phone she sees that they’ve gotten a comment from Fermilab, the particle physics and accelerator laboratory in Chicago, letting them know that a team of scientists has confirmed their theory with an experiment.

      Estia Eichten wins 2018 Humboldt Award

      The Humboldt Foundation invites awardees to undertake prolonged periods of research in collaboration with scientists in Germany and to promote scientific cooperation between research institutions in both Germany and their home country. During his upcoming visit, Eichten intends to continue to study the systematics of systems involving heavy quarks.

      Looking to the literature

      Fermilab’s Inclusivity Journal Club seeks answers to difficult social questions in science. A typical meeting includes physicists and postdoctoral researchers as well as non-science staff; students are also welcome to attend. Members read and discuss reports and peer-reviewed papers that address issues such as sexual harassment, implicit bias and best practices for expanding inclusivity.

      El Dark Energy Survey cartografía un octavo del cielo en busca de energía oscura

        From Sinc, Jan. 15, 2019: Tras seis años captando millones de galaxias con una cámara del telescopio Blanco, la colaboración científica Dark Energy Survey ha completado el cartografiado de un octavo del cielo con un detalle sin precedentes. Los resultados ya han servido para publicar más de 200 artículos científicos, pero se esperan muchos más, con el objetivo puesto en descubrir la naturaleza de la misteriosa energía oscura.

        Pushpa Bhat elected to AAAS Council

        Fermilab scientist Pushpa Bhat was recently elected to the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest scientific society, as a representative for the Section on Physics. Her three-year term begins on Feb. 18. The AAAS Council establishes general policies for the association and reviews all of its programs.