Photon declared champion
After a week of appreciation for each of the four particle contenders, the photon emerged as the winner in the Subatomic Smackdown.
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After a week of appreciation for each of the four particle contenders, the photon emerged as the winner in the Subatomic Smackdown.
University College London scientists make physics festive with sweaters and songs at their annual holiday gathering.
For the first time, scientists have measured the rate at which high-energy neutrinos are absorbed by our planet, a development that could lead to discoveries about physics and Earth.
Around the world, scientists and nonscientists alike celebrated the first international Dark Matter Day.
Constellations illustrates the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics — with a love story.
Scientists Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne and Barry Barish won the 2017 Nobel Prize in physics for their roles in creating the LIGO experiment.
In honor of Fermilab’s upcoming 50th birthday, Symmetry presents physics birthday cards.
The third detection of gravitational waves from merging black holes provides a new test of the theory of general relativity.
A new result from the Daya Bay collaboration reveals both limitations and strengths of experiments studying antineutrinos at nuclear reactors.