In the news – DUNE media

11 - 20 of 159 results

Digging into neutrino research: LBNF-DUNE project moves forward with excavation of 800,000 tons of rock

    A repost of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. Now that the excavation of the LBNF-DUNE project is complete, science and engineering teams are developing the detectors and systems DUNE will use to study neutrinos. The launch of LBNF/DUNE will bring a new era in understanding neutrinos and knowing more about our universe as a whole.

    Mining for Neutrinos, and for Cosmic Answers

      The New York Times reports on LBNF/DUNE. When DUNE operations begin, the research results could a major gap in scientists’ understanding of the universe and return the United States to its former position at the center of particle physics.

      As Black Hills neutrino lab moves into next phase, officials look toward expansion

        Two colossal caverns, each more than 500 feet long and seven-stories tall, were completed to contain the gigantic particle detector modules for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, an international collaboration led by Fermilab. A third cavern will house utilities for operation of the DUNE far detector.