Neutrinos hint at why antimatter didn’t blow up the universe
From New Scientist, July 4, 2016: A new result from the NOvA and T2K experiments sheds light on the matter/antimatter imbalance in the early universe.
1481 - 1490 of 1519 results
From New Scientist, July 4, 2016: A new result from the NOvA and T2K experiments sheds light on the matter/antimatter imbalance in the early universe.
From Nature, June 22, 2016: Fermilab theorist Andreas Kronfeld comments in this article on scaled-up quantum computers, which use a technique would help address problems that classical computers can’t handle.
From The Beacon News, June 13, 2016: Fermilab usually invites the public indoors to attend expos and science demonstrations, but Sunday afternoon was a day to be outside for the ninth annual Family Outdoor Fair.
From NOVA, May 31, 2016: Inside the Fermilab particle accelerator, then Harvard undergraduate Sarah Demers, now a professor at Yale University, used an instrument to look on as protons collided at near light-speed with their opposites—antiprotons—and the resulting particle shards decayed after the cataclysmic blast.
From SLAC, June 1, 2016: Fermilab is one of the collaborating groups preparing to build an ultrasensitive ‘eye’ for an elusive form of matter.
From Cosmos Magazine, May 19, 2016: The most elusive particles in the universe – neutrinos – might not stay hidden for much longer. Testing for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, or DUNE, began earlier this year.
From Voice of America, May 11, 2016: As the Large Hadron Collider returns to full operation, scientists at Fermilab, America’s premier particle physics lab, are excited about a tantalizing discovery made at CERN.
From Cold Facts, April 20, 2016: Fermilab’s work on LCLS-II is highlighted in a round-up of cryogenic facilities at national laboratories.
From Nature, April 29, 2016: A request to christen the newborn animal kicks off a flurry of physics puns.
From The 21st, May 5, 2016: Check out this interview between The 21st and Rod Walton, Fermilab environmental consultant, as he helps us get better acquainted with the hoofed beasts that may soon be named the national mammal.