In the news

From AAAS: The American Association for the Advancement of Science has elected two Fermilab scientists, Robert Bernstein and Chandrashekhara Bhat, as 2021 AAAS fellows. They have been recognized for distinguished contributions to the fields of experimental particle physics and accelerator physics, respectively.

From CERN Courier, Feb. 11, 2022: Patricia McBride, Fermilab distinguished scientist, has been elected as the next spokesperson of the CMS collaboration. She will begin her new role in the fall.

From the Daily Herald, February 4, 2022: The Daily Herald Editorial Board heralds Fermilab as a gem in the Batavia region for the past 55 years with the important science work the lab has done and continues to do in the future.

From Science Times, January 31, 2022: The Hubble Space Telescope captured a stunning image of the Phoenix constellation with a group of galaxies collectively known as NGC that is approximately 450 million light-years away from Earth. The picture of three galaxies interacting was taken using a combination of the Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys that includes the Dark Energy Survey Camera (DECam), developed and tested at Fermilab.

From the Rapid City Journal, January 20, 2022: A 2021 economic study done for SURF and the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority shows the large economic impacts in advancing South Dakota’s economy. The impacts include job creation, household earnings, and spending for activities and experiments at SURF and the LBNF/DUNE. The partnership with Fermilab to construct and operate part of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility at SURF will result in significant spending and employment in South Dakota in the coming decades.

From The Hamden Journal, January 16, 2022: With the Standard Model explaining the fundamental physics of how the universe works, experimental physicists are constantly probing for cracks in the model’s foundations. So far, it has remained the model of fundamental physics despite many experiments in 2021 that probed the Standard Model 2021 like Muon g-2.