
1901 - 1910 of 2084 results

INSPIRE Annual Topcites 2016

    From the INSPIRE blog, Jan. 23, 2017: INSPIRE’s list of the 40 most highly cited papers during 2016 is out, and five are Fermilab papers. The number goes up if you include CMS papers. Have a look in this blog post by Fermilab’s Heath O’Connell and SLAC’s Michael Peskin.

    STOMP visits CERN

      A group known for making music with everyday objects recently got their hands on some extraordinary props.

      Energy Department releases first-ever State of the National Labs Report

        From the Department of Energy, Jan. 11, 2017: Fermilab is mentioned in several areas of the report, which highlights the remarkable accomplishments of the national labs, evaluates some of the improvements DOE has made in recent years in its management and coordination with the labs, and charts a course for continued American leadership in science and technology.