Twinkle, twinkle, little supernova
Using Twinkles, the new simulation of images of our night sky, scientists get ready for a gigantic cosmological survey unlike any before.
461 - 470 of 563 results
Using Twinkles, the new simulation of images of our night sky, scientists get ready for a gigantic cosmological survey unlike any before.
Scientists furthered studies of the Higgs boson, neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy and cosmic inflation and continued the search for undiscovered particles, forces and principles.
As 2016 comes to a close, Symmetry writer Mike Perricone takes us through the latest additions to his collection of popular science books related to particle physics.
Holiday guests will gravitate toward these physics cookies.
The first synchrotron radiation source in the Middle East is running tests before its planned 2017 start.
What have scientists learned in five years of studying cosmic rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment?
Can the same type of technology Facebook uses to recognize faces also recognize particles?
Construction has begun for the CTA, a discovery machine that will study the highest-energy objects and events across the entire sky.
THE Port humanitarian hackathon at CERN brings people from multiple industries together to make the world a better place.
Four physicists discuss Higgs boson research since the discovery.