In the news

From NSF’s NOIRLab, June 8, 2021: The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) built and tested by Fermilab, one of the most powerful digital cameras in the world, has taken its one-millionth exposure. DECam’s million exposures include science observations as well as test and calibration exposures taken by the camera while it was being fine-tuned after its construction and installation on the Blanco telescope in 2012.

From Physics Today, June 1, 2021: How do you transport a 15 000-kilogram magnetic ring with the same width as a basketball court from central Long Island to suburban Chicago? In 2011 Fermilab shut down its particle collider, the Tevatron, which made space to host a project like Muon g – 2, to house the high-intensity proton source that would generate the muons.

From Cosmos, May 29, 2021: The Dark Energy Survey collaboration released the most precise look at the universe’s evolution to understand dark matter and dark energy by studying how they shape the large-scale structure of the universe.