In the news

Fermilab looks towards future of LBNF

Earlier this month, Fermilab announced crews completed excavation work for the massive caverns that comprise the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility, which is being constructed to house the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.

Neutrino oscillations at the wrong location?

Neutrino oscillations, discovered 25 years ago, break the Standard Model of particle physics and have been the subject of much investigation.To further study neutrino oscillation, Fermilab’s Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program has three detectors in the beam, placed at three very different distances to research if neutrinos are changing as a function of distance.

Cosmic rays observed in successful test of Fermilab’s prototype x-ray detector

Fermilab scientist Juan Estrada recently took his novel Skipper detector technology to students in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at U of I run a thermal vacuum test for the DarkNESS mission. The test successfully demonstrated the crucial thermal control capabilities required for the detector operation.

The Fermilab hosted international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment experiment recently completed the excavation for the detector caverns located almost a mile underground. By the end of the decade, results from DUNE could illuminate why the Universe predominantly consists of matter.

New PET detectors cut radiation down while leveling up resolution

Fermilab is contributing to research on newly developed detectors in PET scanners with the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Chicago. They are working together to design chip technology capable of producing an inexpensive, highly usable readout of scan data that has the potential to reduce radiation dose by a factor of 1,000.

A UK consortium has partnered with Fermilab to construct a 100-meter-long quantum experiment, MAGIS-100. The experiment is under construction at Fermilab and will help scientists demonstrate the superposition of atoms and advance the search for ultralight dark-matter particles.