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News highlights featuring Fermilab

421 - 430 of 1522 results

The great neutrino mystery could point to missing particles

    From Wired, December 5, 2021: Years of conflicting measurements have led physicists to propose a “dark sector” of invisible particles that could explain dark matter and the universe’s expansion. Now, four analyses released yesterday by the MicroBooNE experiment from Fermilab and another recent study from the IceCube detector at the South Pole both suggest that these more complex neutrino theories may be on the right track—though the future remains far from clear.

    Chang Kee Jung Wins American Physical Society’s 2022 Lilienfeld Prize

      From Stony Brook University, December 1, 2021: Chang Kee Jung, founding member of the DUNE collaboration, is recipient of the 2022 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize by the American Physical Society. Professor Jung is being recognized for his outstanding contributions and leadership in experimental neutrino physics and outstanding teaching and outreach, especially in the physics of sports.

      2021 James Chadwick medal and prize

        From Institute of Physics, November 29, 2021: Professor Mark Lancaster received the James Chadwick Medal from the Institute of Physics for his distinguished work of precise measurements in particle physics, particularly of the W boson mass and the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment in April 2021.

        Sterile neutrinos could explain dark matter – if we can find them

          From New Scientist (UK), November 13, 2021: There are good reasons to think that neutrinos have a shy cousin that could explain dark matter, but searches have so far come up empty, writes Chanda Prescod-Weinstein theoretical physicist specializing in early universe cosmology and a monthly columnist at New Scientist.

          Experiment finds no sign of sterile neutrinos

            From Universe Today, November 5, 2021: Neutrinos might make up a small portion of dark matter, but most dark matter must be something else. Because neutrinos are so close to satisfying the properties of dark matter, some scientists have argued dark matter might be a yet undiscovered variety known as sterile neutrinos.What did Fermilab’s newest experiment MicroBooNE see?