Going beyond the exascale
Quantum computers could enable physicists to tackle questions even the most powerful computers cannot handle.
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Quantum computers could enable physicists to tackle questions even the most powerful computers cannot handle.
Quantum information breaks the rules of classical information in a way that could allow us to answer questions that a classical computer cannot.
Quantum computers go beyond the binary.
Inventions like the transistor and laser changed the world. What changes will the second quantum revolution bring?
Uncertainty, entanglement, spooky action: On the quantum scale, the universe doesn’t work the way you might expect.
This month, Symmetry presents a series of articles on the past, present and future of quantum research—and its many connections to particle physics, astrophysics and computing.
Physicists are revisiting what they previously assumed about how dark matter interacts with itself.
Building a fulfilling mentor-mentee relationship requires agency and investment from both parties.
Students in the Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program hope to use skills they developed at Fermilab to benefit Indigenous communities.
New accelerator magnets are undergoing a rigorous training program to prepare them for the extreme conditions inside the upgraded Large Hadron Collider.