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Morse and Roberts win W.K.H. Panofsky Prize for Muon g-2 experiment

    From Brookhaven National Laboratory, October 11, 2022: Brookhaven National Lab announced yesterday that two of their scientists who led the “E821 g-2” experiment at BNL from 1990 through 2004 received the APS’s 2023 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics. William M. Morse and Bradley Lee Roberts received the honor for their leadership and technical ingenuity in achieving a measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment with a precision suitable to probe Standard Model.

    Chang Kee Jung Wins American Physical Society’s 2022 Lilienfeld Prize

      From Stony Brook University, December 1, 2021: Chang Kee Jung, founding member of the DUNE collaboration, is recipient of the 2022 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize by the American Physical Society. Professor Jung is being recognized for his outstanding contributions and leadership in experimental neutrino physics and outstanding teaching and outreach, especially in the physics of sports.

      National labs band together to build prototype magnet for future and existing light sources

        From Berkeley Lab, Feb. 17, 2021: Fermilab is part of a team of national labs that designed, built and fully tested a prototype magnet for today’s and tomorrow’s light sources. These light sources let scientists see things once thought impossible. They can use these visions to create more durable materials, build more efficient batteries and computers, and learn more about the natural world.