
21 - 30 of 91 results

Chicago region designated U.S. Tech Hub for quantum technologies by Biden-Harris administration

    The Biden-Harris administration named the Chicago region an official U.S. Regional and Innovation Technology Hub for quantum technologies yesterday. The announcement was part of the first phase of a federal initiative designed to “supercharge” innovation economies that have the potential to become global leaders in critical technology. The Technology Hubs program includes the Chicago Quantum Exchange’s Bloch Tech Hub making them eligible for funding to implement the hub’s activities.

    Unicamp group visits, in the USA, one of the most important particle physics laboratories in the world

      From Unicamp (upon opening the link, right click to translate to English): Last week, directors and scientists from Unicamp (the University of Campinas) and other research institutions visited Fermilab as part of the critical assessment by DOE on the progress of the international collaboration in building the large underground neutrino detector at LBNF. The University is responsible for the development and subsequent production of two sets of central equipment that will make up the laboratory to be installed in South Dakota 1,500 meters underground. One of the sets will be used to detect photons and the other to purify liquid argon.

      New muon g-2 result improves the measurement by a factor of 2

        From Universe Today, August 14, 2023: In a recent announcement, scientists at Fermilab and the international Muon g-2 collaboration made the world’s most precise measurement of the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment, improving the precision of their previous measurements by a factor of 2. With this measurement, the collaboration has achieved its goal of decreasing systematic uncertainties caused by experimental imperfections.

        World’s most powerful X-ray free electron laser soon online

          From Interesting Engineering, Aug. 9, 2023: For more than a decade, SLAC has been preparing to power the world’s most powerful X-ray free electron laser by getting electrons to fly through a new superconducting accelerator called the Linac Coherent Light Source II. Fermilab is one of the four national labs to contribute to the engineering of this powerful superconducting X-ray machine.

          Designing detector for DUNE

            From Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, July 25, 2023: PNNL scientists and a team of university and national laboratory collaborators recently published a paper detailing a new detector design that can be fine-tuned to increase sensitivity to physics beyond the original DUNE concept.

            New tool helps improve quantum computing circuit component

              From, July 5, 2023: Researchers from Ames Laboratory announced important research results done with Fermilab’s SQMS Center that will improve the quantum circuit quality of a vital qubit component. The research was an important step in quantum computing development and proves that collaborative research groups like SQMS with Ames can lead to solving very complex technological and scientific problems.

              A joint statement from the the United States and India

                Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and President Joe Biden met last Thursday to deepen bilateral cooperation between the two countries on cutting-edge scientific infrastructure. As part of the agreement, India will supply components worth $140 million to the U.S. Department of Energy’s plans to upgrade the Fermilab accelerator complex to create the most intense high-energy neutrino beams which would help unravel understanding of the evolution of the universe. This contribution is described in number 10 of the White House statement.