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Scientists propose ‘BREAD’ experiment to find particles of mysterious dark matter

    From U Chicago News, April 12, 2022: Scientists from the University of Chicago and Fermilab have released an innovative new design for an experiment called the the Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection (BREAD) to find the mysterious substance is known as dark matter. BREAD, is especially promising because it can look for possible axions with a range of different masses.

    NASA Hubble Space Telescope Shares Stunning Photo of Interacting Galaxies

      From Science Times, January 31, 2022: The Hubble Space Telescope captured a stunning image of the Phoenix constellation with a group of galaxies collectively known as NGC that is approximately 450 million light-years away from Earth. The picture of three galaxies interacting was taken using a combination of the Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys that includes the Dark Energy Survey Camera (DECam), developed and tested at Fermilab.