Higgs boson
From CERN, June 15, 2021: A new study shows a class of new unknown particles that could account for the muon’s magnetism, known as leptoquarks, also affects the Higgs boson’s transformation into muons.
From Quo (Spain), May 23, 2021: An interview with Pilar Hernández Gamazo to find out the scope of the muon case that will transform our understanding of the Universe. Pilar Hernández is a professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Valencia.
From CERN, Jan. 26, 2021: This week marks the 50th anniversary of the first proton collisions in CERN’s Intersecting Storage Rings, the first hadron collider ever built. To celebrate, see hadron colliders of the last half-century — including the Tevatron and the Large Hadron Collider — through a historical lens, with an eye toward the quest for high luminosity and new energy frontiers.