Fermilab’s NOvA neutrino experiment records in its giant particle detector the passage of slippery particles called neutrinos and their antimatter counterparts, antineutrinos. Famously elusive, these particles’ interactions are challenging to capture, requiring the steady accumulation of interaction data to be able to pin down their characteristics. With five years’ worth of data, NOvA is adding to scientists’ understanding of neutrinos’ mass and oscillation behavior.

From Independent, July 27, 2019: A high school student spends his summer working on neutrinos and Fermilab’s NOvA neutrino experiment.

From NPR’s Here & Now, March 19, 2019: Fermilab is a global center for research into a tiny particle that could help answer some of the biggest questions in physics: the neutrino. Neutrinos have no electrical charge and almost no mass, but they’re everywhere. Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer and Fermilab Deputy Chief Research Officer Bonnie Fleming talk about the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, visit the NOvA experiment and discuss the benefits of fundamental research.

From University of Missouri – Kansas City’s University News, Feb. 6, 2019: Sánchez, a scientist at Iowa State University, is a part of Fermilab’s NOvA neutrino experiment and the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. She also co-leads the ANNIE experiment at Fermilab.

From This Week in Science, Nov. 28, 2018: Fermilab scientist Alex Himmel talks about neutrinos, DUNE and the excitement of particle physics. Segment starts at 5:01.

From Spektrum, Nov. 2, 2018: Maschinelles Lernen hat bereits bei der Entdeckung des Higgs einen wesentlichen Beitrag geleistet. Teilchenphysiker setzen Verfahren aus diesem Bereich schon seit Jahrzehnten ein. Doch nun erwarten Experten durch lernende Software eine Revolution bei der Datenanalyse.