Fermilab builds incredible two-story thermometer
From Kane County Connects, Dec. 4, 2018: Illinois media marvels at the 25-foot-high thermometer built for ProtoDUNE.
21 - 30 of 61 results
From Kane County Connects, Dec. 4, 2018: Illinois media marvels at the 25-foot-high thermometer built for ProtoDUNE.
From This Week in Science, Nov. 28, 2018: Fermilab scientist Alex Himmel talks about neutrinos, DUNE and the excitement of particle physics. Segment starts at 5:01.
How do you calibrate a probe that is sealed inside a giant liquid-argon neutrino detector?
From CERN Courier, Oct. 29, 2018: The world’s largest liquid-argon neutrino detector has recorded its first particle tracks in tests at CERN, marking an important step towards the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment under preparation in the United States.
From Colorado State University, Oct. 25, 2018: Colorado State University contributes detectors to the ProtoDUNE detector at CERN.
From FAPAESP’s Pesquisa, Oct. 18, 2018: Em meados de setembro, partículas vindas do espaço começaram a atravessar um tanque em forma de cubo com 6 metros de altura, instalado na Cern, na Suíça, e deixar rastros de luz que foram captados por detectores criados no Brasil.
From UFO Spain, Oct. 18, 2018: El mayor detector de neutrinos de argon líquido del mundo acaba de registrar sus primeras trazas de partículas, marcando el inicio de un nuevo capítulo en la historia de DUNE.
From the University of Houston, Oct. 11, 2018: ProtoDUNE, a prototype for what will be a much bigger detector at the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, has been recording particle tracks, and physicists all over the world are collecting the data.
From New Scientist Netherlands, Oct. 9, 2018: De nieuwe neutrinodetector ProtoDUNE is aangezet en heeft zijn eerste metingen verricht. Deze detector is met 565 kubieke meter ongeveer zo groot als een gemeentelijk zwembad, en is het prototype voor een reuzendetector in de VS, die negentig keer zo groot wordt.
From Black Hills Pioneer, Sept. 25, 2018: Two years in the making, a neutrino detector built at CERN for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment , which is being used as the prototype for the much larger Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility, detectors that will be housed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, has recorded its first particle tracks.