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Challenging the standard model

    From Nature Italy May 20, 2022: CDF co-spokesperson Giorgio Chiarelli tells the story of how Italy contributed to the measurement of the W boson mass, opening a door on new physics. For more than 10 years after the Tevatron detector at Fermilab produced the last crashes between protons and antiprotons, the collaboration announced the most precise measure of the W boson mass ever achieved.

    Caldwell manufactures transport frame for cryomodules

      From Engineering Update, January 6, 2022: Illinois-based Caldwell Group Inc. has customized a lifting frame that may be used in the summer of 2022 during transatlantic transportation of cryomodules to Fermilab for the Proton Improvement Program II (PIP-II) project. STFC-UKRI in the UK designed and assembled the lifting frame to meet impact, vibration, lifting, and transport load requirements in both the United States and Europe.