
21 - 30 of 83 results

Chicago is emerging as a quantum tech hub

    The Chicagoland region is continuing to be recognized as a national leader in quantum technology. Recent events include the opening of the Quantum Garage at Fermilab. This designation and the collaboration among Illinois universities and national laboratories like FermiLab and Argonne will spark a new wave of research, innovation and experimentation.

    UChicago, IIT Bombay form new science and technology partnership

      From U Chicago News, August 8, 2023: University of Chicago has announced that the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay has joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange to promote cooperation in fields such as quantum information science, climate and energy, advanced microelectronics, artificial intelligence and data science. The announcement was made at at the G20 summit in New Delhi, India and joins the CQE as one of only five international partners.

      New open source tool expands access to lab-based quantum prototypes: Cloud Queue for Quantum Devices

        From Amazon Web Services blog, March 7, 2023: The new Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit (QICK) developed by Fermilab and U Chicago engineers proved to drastically improve quantum computer performance while cutting the cost of control equipment. Now, Amazon Web Services has collaborated with Fermilab QICK engineers to have the tool kit accepted as an open-source software project for quantum devices.

        Who cares about quantum?

          From DOE Office of Science, Feb. 22, 2023: DOE’s podcast Direct Current launches its new season by talking with national lab quantum scientists Anna Grassellino and David Awschalom about their brain-bending research, the massive impacts it could have on our lives and the joy and frustration of chasing breakthroughs that can take decades to arrive.