Dhuley and his team at the Illinois Accelerator Research Center have received the William E. Gifford Award for their work on cryocooling acceleration cavities. Their research on cryocooler-based systems is paving the way for compact particle accelerators that can operate at ultracold temperatures without complicated cooling infrastructure.
technology transfer
Members of the national laboratories, leaders from the Department of Energy and experts in advanced manufacturing converged at the third summit in DOE’s InnovationXLab Series. Fermilab had strong representation at the meeting, featuring particle physics technologies that have been adapted for use in our everyday lives. We connected to find ways to wield national laboratory resources to help launch new industries and rejuvenate manufacturing.
From ABC7 Chicago, June 10, 2018: Fermilab is featured on ABC show Built to Last, picked up by dozens of ABC affiliates. The 13-minute segment includes interviews with Tim Meyer, Valerie Higgins and Rhonda Merchut. Scroll to episode 5. Fermilab segment starts at 1:31.
From Nation News, April 9, 2017: Arden Warner is attracting attention to himself and his work as a physicist at Fermilab and to his private exploit developing a nontoxic way to clean up oil spills.