Q&A with Marcelle Soares-Santos
Scientist Marcelle Soares-Santos talks about Brazil, neutron stars and a love of discovery.
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Scientist Marcelle Soares-Santos talks about Brazil, neutron stars and a love of discovery.
Scientists on the Dark Energy Survey, using one of the world’s most powerful digital cameras, have discovered eight more faint celestial objects hovering near our Milky Way galaxy. Signs indicate that they, like the objects found by the same team earlier this year, are likely dwarf satellite galaxies, the smallest and closest known form of galaxies.
Scientists from Fermilab and more than 45 institutions around the world have teamed up to design a program to catch this hypothetical neutrino in the act. The program, called the Short-Baseline Neutrino program, makes use of a trio of detectors positioned along one of Fermilab’s neutrino beams.
Scientists on the NOvA experiment saw their first evidence of oscillating neutrinos, confirming that the extraordinary detector built for the project not only functions as planned but is also making great progress toward its goal of a major leap in our understanding of these ghostly particles.