Fermilab announces Bonnie Fleming as new deputy director and chief research officer
Effective Sept. 6, Bonnie Fleming stepped into her new role, responsible for leading all areas of science and technology.
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Effective Sept. 6, Bonnie Fleming stepped into her new role, responsible for leading all areas of science and technology.
Fermilab welcomed IN2P3 director Reynald Pain and four other members of his leadership team on Sept. 2. IN2P3 is a major partner of the PIP-II particle accelerator project and the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
From Semiconducting Engineering, September 12, 2022: How do you extend the lifespan of qubits? Researchers at the Supercomputing Quantum Materials and Systems Center say silicon limits the lifespan of qubits because of quantum decoherence. Fermilab’s Alexander Romanenko discusses recently published research on how individual sub-components contribute to the decoherence of the qubits. Could sapphire be a better choice for future quantum chips?
Being able to see themselves as physicists can make or break students’ ability to thrive in the field.
A postdoc on the PIP-II project, Wijethunga is working on investigating the presence of an electron cloud in the Fermilab Booster.
Scientists at the SQMS Center have directly probed silicon’s impact on the lifespan of superconducting qubits. The uniquely sensitive measurement helped researchers quantify how the material impacts qubit performance.
Consul General Alan Gogbashian of the British Consulate in Chicago and U.K. scientific leaders visited the lab on Aug. 24 to discuss ongoing and emerging collaborations as well as tour research facilities.
Scientists are using a detector originally designed to study neutrinos to pin down an elusive nuclear physics measurement.
From Electronic Specifier, September 2, 2022: Electronic Specifier’s podcast talks with Gustavo Cancelo, Lead Engineer at Fermilab about a project that is developing new control electronics for quantum computers known as QICK. Developed by a team of engineers at Fermilab in collaboration with the University of Chicago, the Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit provides computing experiments with a new control and readout electronics option that will significantly improve performance while replacing cumbersome and expensive systems.
From SLAC, August 31, 2022: Fermilab researchers worked with a team of 20 operators and engineers at SLAC on cryogenics to build a helium-refrigeration plant to lower the LCLS-II accelerator to superconducting temperatures. Now, it only takes one and a half hours to make a superconducting particle accelerator at SLAC colder than outer space.