491 - 500 of 656 results

Davis-Bahcall Scholars tour modern world of advanced research

    From The Rapid City Journal, August 12, 2021: The SURF Davis-Bahcall Scholars Program exposes university freshmen and sophomores in STEM fields to a variety of disciplines helping them decide their college major. This year students took a tour of SURF in Lead, SD and they had the opportunity to speak with scientists and engineers from Fermilab.

    Talented early career researchers join Queen Mary on STFC-funded fellowships

      From Queen Mary University of London, April 26, 2021: Fermilab scientist Dr. Kirsty Duffy was awarded the Ernest Rutherford Fellowship from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) to establish a new research group working on MicroBooNE at Queen Mary University of London. Duffy will continue to host the Even Bananas video series which explores neutrinos until the end of the year.

      Department of Energy to provide $100 million for high energy physics research

        From DOE.gov, August 2, 2021: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a plan to provide $100 million over the next four years for new research in high energy physics. Funding will support research and experiments that explore the frontiers of high energy physics. This includes Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment which aims to search for signs of physics beyond the standard model, scientists’ current best theory to describe the most basic building blocks of the universe.

        Mark Hirsch, Fermilab’s 2021-22 artist-in-residence, finds beauty in data

          From Noooz Hawk News (Santa Barbara, CA), August 1, 2021: Who knew data could be so beautiful? Fermilab’s 2021-22 artist-in-residence Mark Hirsch is working with scientists to gain inspiration on the mysteries of matter, energy, space and time.
          Georgia Schwender, Fermilab’s art gallery curator said Hirsch is exploring ways that coding and art can combine to convey complex topics like science and math.