In the news

From, Dec. 14, 2018: Fermilab scientist Marc Paterno is quoted in this article on how Fermilab raising the bar on innovative and cost-effective computing solutions that help researchers explore high-energy physics. As a repository for massive sets of scientific data, Fermilab is at the forefront of new computing approaches, including HEPCloud, a paradigm for provisioning computing resources.

From Futurism, Dec. 11, 2018: No matter how confident we are that it’s out there, dark matter continues to evade our brightest physicists. Now, yet another experiment designed to pick up on signs of dark matter’s presence has turned up nothing at all. Fermilab’s Dan Hooper comments on results from the COSINE-100 experiment.

From Berkeley Lab, Dec. 4, 2018: Key components of Berkeley Lab’s Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument are installed after months of planning, prep work. A team at Fermilab built the corrector, hexapod, and other top-end support structures. The structures are designed to align the lenses with an accuracy of tens of microns (millionths of a meter) – similar to the width of the thinnest human hair.

From Science News, Dec. 5, 2018: The COSINE-100 searched for particles using the same type of detector as another experiment, whose researchers said they had strong evidence that dark matter was interacting in their detector. COSINE-100 found no evidence of the evasive subatomic particles. Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper comments on COSINE-100’s findings.

From Voyage Chicago, Dec. 6, 2018: Georgia Schwender, Fermilab Art Gallery curator, talks about creating art, curating a gallery, and founding the lab’s artist-in-residence program.