360-degree tour of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider
From BBC News, March 11, 2016: You can look in any direction inside this video of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, including a view of the CMS detector.
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From BBC News, March 11, 2016: You can look in any direction inside this video of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, including a view of the CMS detector.
Joel Butler will lead the LHC experiment starting in September.
From ars technica, Feb. 29, 2016: Fermilab’s found a brand-new species—the first particle with four flavors of quarks.
From IFL Science, Feb. 27, 2016: Scientists on the DZero experiment have found an incredible new particle that’s part of the exotic family of tetraquarks.
The explanation for some strange experimental results could lie in undiscovered particles called sterile neutrinos.
From Scientific American, Feb. 26, 2016: Evidence for a never-before-seen particle containing four types of quark has shown up in data from the Tevatron collider at Fermilab.
From Gizmodo, Feb. 25, 2016: Physicists from the DZero collaboration have announced the discovery of a new particle, believed to be part of an exotic family called “tetraquarks.”
DZero announces the newest member of the tetraquark family.
Take an interactive animated journey through the particle physics alphabet.
From Science Node, Feb. 17, 2016: Einstein predicted gravitational waves over 100 years ago. Resources provided by the Open Science Grid, of which Fermilab is an active member, are helping LIGO prove he was right.