
Fermilab welcomes 2024 baby bison

Naperville News 17 reports on the new baby bison that arrived this spring at Fermilab. Just outside of Naperville, Fermilab has a growing herd of over 40 bison and two bulls that roam the campus’ prairie land.

Over the course of three years, scientists working on MINERvA recorded more than a million interactions of antineutrinos with other particles. This data allowed scientists to finally calculate the proton’s size using neutrinos, making this a statistically significant measurement of this characteristic.

The Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center in Lead, SD has a new centerpiece. A towering three-dimensional model that includes the Open Cut and 370 miles of drifts, ramps, and shafts that make up the Sanford Underground Research Facility was made to convey the giant caverns at SURF for the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility / Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.

Tau neutrinos were observed for the first time in 2000 at Fermilab. Today, IceCube scientists have detected high-energy tau neutrinos from deep space, suggesting that neutrino transformations occur not only in lab experiments but also over cosmic distances.

Greg Stephens officially began his role as chief operating officer at Fermilab bringing more than 35 years of experience in commercial, academic, international and U.S. government operations to Fermilab.

A team from Northern Illinois University isy part of the 1,400 scientists and engineers working on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. In the coming year, they will be responsible for making 300 to 400 of the photon detection modules that will be part of the much larger web of thousands of such modules at the underground Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility in South Dakota.