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SLAC engineer Knut Skarpaas designs some of physics’ most challenging machines, finding inspiration in unexpected places.
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SLAC engineer Knut Skarpaas designs some of physics’ most challenging machines, finding inspiration in unexpected places.
Around the world, scientists and nonscientists alike celebrated the first international Dark Matter Day.
For Dark Matter Day, scientist and Star Wars fan Dan McKinsey talks dark matter and the Force.
Grace C. Young is fascinated by fundamental questions about realms both quantum and undersea.
Cross sections tell physicists how likely particles are to interact in a given way.
Through hard work, ingenuity and a little cooperation from nature, scientists on the BASE experiment vastly improved their measurement of a property of protons and antiprotons.
For the first time, experiments have seen both light and gravitational waves released by a single celestial crash.
For the first time, the Large Hadron Collider is accelerating xenon nuclei for experiments.
Constellations illustrates the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics — with a love story.
Instead of searching for dark matter particles, a new device will search for dark matter waves.