Bison draws crowds at Fermilab
From WBBM Newsradio, May 2, 2018: Roads and Grounds’s Dave Shemanske appears in this 44-second segment on the Fermilab bison herd.
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From WBBM Newsradio, May 2, 2018: Roads and Grounds’s Dave Shemanske appears in this 44-second segment on the Fermilab bison herd.
From Suburban Chronicle, May 3, 2018: Bison herdsman Cleo Garcia is quoted in this article on the newest addition to the bison herd at Fermilab.
From NCTV17, April 20, 2018: The next generation of scientists and engineers gathered at Fermilab for the annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Career Expo. Watch the 90-second segment.
From Business Insider, April 24, 2018: In Chicago, Her Excellency visits Fermilab, America’s premier national laboratory for particle physics and accelerator research.
From Indian Times Daily, April 16, 2018: U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry and India’s Atomic Energy Secretary Sekhar Basu signed an agreement in New Delhi to expand the two countries’ collaboration on world-leading science and technology projects.
From World Nuclear News, April 17, 2018: Energy Secretary Rick Perry and India’s Atomic Energy Secretary Sekhar Basu signed an agreement in New Delhi that opens the way to jointly advancing cutting-edge neutrino science projects under way in both countries, LBNF/DUNE
From NEI Magazine, April 19, 2018: India and the United States have signed an agreement enabling their scientists to collaborate on the development and construction of different types of neutrino detectors, including for LBNF/DUNE.
From Argonne National Laboratory, April 19, 2018: Scientists from Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, along with collaborators from over 25 other institutions, are recreating a previous experiment with much higher precision.
From APS Physics, April 2018: Over the last five decades, Fermilab scientists have made some of the most fundamental discoveries in particle physics. But the facility may never have been built had a handful of physicists — chief among them the lab’s first director, Robert R. Wilson — not convinced the U.S. Congress of the project’s value.
From Astronomy Now, April 10, 2018: Researchers at the University of California at Berkeleysuccessfully adapted superconducting quantum interference devices, or SQUIDs, for use in the Axion Dark Matter Experiment at University of Washington. Fermilab is a collaborating institution on ADMX.