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News highlights featuring Fermilab

191 - 200 of 1521 results

A massive detector in China will try to find a supernova before it happens

    From Popular Science: A new observatory under construction in China—the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory, or JUNO—plans to hunt the elusive neutrino with better sensitivity than ever before. Expected to be operational in 2024, this detector will not only be bigger, but also more sensitive to slight variations in neutrinos’ energies than any of its predecessors.

    How the Moon is helping us confirm Einstein’s relativity

      From Big Think: A recent series of precise measurements of the Moon confirms that there are two types of mass which are the same. In Einstein’s most advanced theory, there are three “kinds” of mass that are thought to be one and the same but there is no fundamental reason why. Don Lincolns explains why.

      Unicamp group visits, in the USA, one of the most important particle physics laboratories in the world

        From Unicamp (upon opening the link, right click to translate to English): Last week, directors and scientists from Unicamp (the University of Campinas) and other research institutions visited Fermilab as part of the critical assessment by DOE on the progress of the international collaboration in building the large underground neutrino detector at LBNF. The University is responsible for the development and subsequent production of two sets of central equipment that will make up the laboratory to be installed in South Dakota 1,500 meters underground. One of the sets will be used to detect photons and the other to purify liquid argon.

        South Side Science Festival returns after successful debut

          From U Chicago News: On Sept. 30, the University of Chicago will be hosting its second annual South Side Science Festival inviting visitors to explore ways science impacts our daily lives. This year’s festival includes an up-close look at live butterflies, quantum science games, CPR practice, live demonstrations, local food vendors, music and a Science Slam. The South Side Science Festival will be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sept. 30 on the University of Chicago campus at 929 E 57th St.

          UChicago, IIT Bombay form new science and technology partnership

            From U Chicago News, August 8, 2023: University of Chicago has announced that the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay has joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange to promote cooperation in fields such as quantum information science, climate and energy, advanced microelectronics, artificial intelligence and data science. The announcement was made at at the G20 summit in New Delhi, India and joins the CQE as one of only five international partners.

            Cabling for LHC upgrade wraps up

              Berkeley Lab completed winding more than 2000 kilometers of superconducting wire into cables for new magnets that will help upgrade the Large Hadron Collider. These cables will be used to make the strongest focusing magnets installed in any accelerator by condensing particle beams right before they collide in detectors.

              Towards the ‘Quantum Internet’: Silvia Zorzetti receives the Early Career Award

                Fermilab’s Silvia Zorzetti has been awarded the prestigious Early Career Award from the U.S. DOE for her pioneering research in developing technology that will lay the foundations of the quantum internet. The project’s goal is to improve quantum sensors and sensor networks, so as to allow a more efficient conversion of information and quantum signals between different physical platforms