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News highlights featuring Fermilab

431 - 440 of 1522 results

Still no trace of the sterile neutrino

    From Le Scienze (France), November 4, 2021: The preliminary analysis of three years of data from the MicroBooNE experiment show no signs of the existence of a fourth type of neutrino. The standard model of particle physics remains confirmed but it has not excluded clues to exotic physical phenomena may emerge.

    Can sterile neutrinos exist?

      From Scientific American, November 4, 2021: Physicists have wondered if neutrino particles come in a mysterious fourth variety. Now new experimental findings complicate the question. Physicists have wondered if neutrino particles come in a mysterious fourth variety. Now new experimental findings complicate the question.

      LBNF DUNE excavation achieves a gem of a milestone

        From Rapid City Journal-Our Northern Hills, November 4, 2021: Excavation crews at the underground site of DUNE reached an important milestone. They completed the careful excavation of the ventilation shaft with just one drill bit during the entire four-and-a-half-month process. Crews also uncovered a 1-1/2 foot thick chunk of quartz crystal during the process that miraculously was not damaged by the reamer head, nor by the 300-foot fall it sustained, marking it a gem of the milestone.

        Can sterile neutrinos exist?

          From Scientific American, November 4, 2021: Physicists have wondered if neutrino particles come in a mysterious fourth variety. Now new experimental findings complicate the question. Physicists have wondered if neutrino particles come in a mysterious fourth variety. The MicroBooNE experiment findings announced last week by Fermilab heightened the mystery of why too many particles showed up in a detector during an experiment on the 1990s.

          Low and high voltage power for research labs

            From Innovation News Network, November 1, 2021: The MPOD/MMS universal low/high voltage multichannel power supply system is helping to drive research and science at some of the world’s most highly respected laboratories, including CERN and Fermilab.

            DOE to provide $6 million for U.S.-Japan cooperative research in high energy physics

              From the US Department of Energy, October 29, 2021: The US DOE announced $6 million for collaborative research in high energy physics that involves substantial collaboration with Japanese investigators. Research supported under this initiative is expected to include experimental work at DOE’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) in Japan, as well as the study of rare particles produced at the SuperKEKB collider at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan.